Our Anet A8 Prusa i3 Parts

The main board is an Anet A8. Basic settings for a Prusa i3 can be used to get started.

Basic frame assembled

The frame is a machine cut pastic shipped with a protective paper coating. We chose to remove the paper.

Our four directional motors

The motors that move the extruder and build plate.

Y motor mounted

This motor moves the build plate in and out.

Y motor mounted

This motor moves the build plate in and out.

Built plate guide frame

This is the frame that supports the build plate and allows it to move in and out.

Build plate guides and bearings installed

These are the rods and bearings that the build plate will glide across.

Lower frame from rear

Lower frame with guides installed from a vantage behind the printer.

It's taking shape

This represents the primary L shaped frame structure of our printer.

Build plate frame mounted

This frame will connect the build plate to the guide rods.

Y drive belt connected

A belt connects the Y motor to the build plate frame.

Heated build plate mounted

The heated build plate is mounted on the frame via 4 spring cusioned screws.

Hot plate

The under side of the hot plate.

View with build plate installed

Progress thus far with the heated build plate installed.

Left Z motor and support installed

This is one of two motors that lift the horizontal motor and extruder mount.

Both Z motors installed

Both of the Z motors installed along with their support structures.

X motor installed

The X motor installed along with its belt receiver, guide and drive rods.

X motor belt receiver installed

The X motor belt receiver installed along with its guide and drive rods.

X motor installed

The X motor installed along with its guide, belt receiver, and drive rods.

Extruder carriage guides and bearing

The extruder carriage bearings are mounted to the guide rods.

The extruder

The extruder and its feed motor. The tip has a heating element along with a thermister.

Extruder nozzle

Note the very fine extruder nozzle hole.

Extruder cooling fan installed

The extruder cooling fan keeps the heat from radiating up to the motor or incoming filament.

Extruder carriage installed

This carriage carries the extruder up and down and left and right over the build plate.

Extruder mounted in the carriage

The extruder is screwed into place in the carriage.

Rear view of carriage

The newly hung carriage viewed from the rear of the printer.

Blower fan installed

The blower fan is used to cool your prints or the extruder.

Blower fan installed

The blower fan is used to cool your prints or the extruder.

Carriage belt installed

The carriage belt pulls the extruder left and right.

Carriage belt installed

The carriage belt passes through the receiver on the right side.

Main board Anet A8

The main board is an Anet A8.

Main board Anet A8

The main board is an Anet A8.

Display installed

The LCD display is sandwich between plastic frame and shield, held at bay by spacers.

Display installed

The LCD display is controled via 5 buttons to the right.

Display installed

The LCD display is controled via 5 buttons to the right.

12v Power supply

The 12v power supply to be mounted on the right side.

Installing the main board

Wiring is straight forward, the board is clearly marked.

Connecting the power

Connecting the wall electricity and the main board power line to the power supply.

Power supply mounted

The power supply is screwed onto the frame.


Wires are passed through and under the frame to connect to the main board.

Cables wrapped

The cables are protected in wireloom.

Main board

Main board finished.

Power supply finished

Power supply finished.

Carriage finished

The carriage finished.

Filament holder

An easy to assemble filament holder for feeding the printer.

Ready to print

Pick a space for the printer.

Ready to print

Small sample supply of filament loaded.

Nerd art

Tony Stark approved.

Main board

Electronics nerd.

Power test

Looks like everything is wired correctly.

First print


Printing Mod 1

Modification 1, a new blower nozzle.

Printing Mod 1

Modification 1, a new blower nozzle.

Mod 1 installed

Modification 1, a new semi-circular blower nozzle installed.

Mod 1 installed

Modification 1, a new semi-circular blower nozzle installed.

Printing Mod 2

Modification 2, a filament guide.

Mod 2 installed

Modification 2, a filament guide installed.

Mod 3 installed

Modification 2, LED build lights for those long nights of stacking plastic.

Mod 3 installed

Modification 2, LED build lights for those long nights of stacking plastic.

Mod 4 printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 finished printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 finished printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 finished printing

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 finished rear

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 cleaning up

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Mod 4 cleaning up

Modification 4, a case for the main board and a Raspberry Pi.

Failed mod 4 prints

Fail early, learn soon.

Printing mod 5

Modification 5, a tool holder.

Printing mod 5

Modification 5, a tool holder.

Finished mod 5

Modification 5, a tool holder.

Mod 5 installed

Modification 5, a tool holder.